
Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Live Christmas Trees Vs. Fake Christmas Trees

Christmas is only 34 days away! I have always loved Christmas. It ranks in at the second spot of my favorite holidays, just behind Halloween. Yesterday, I was given a chance to hang out with one of my best friends, my mom. She has recently been traveling a lot; so, squeezing in some personal mother-daughter bonding time is a tad bit difficult. I do have to admit that I had a fabulous time of shopping, talking, and just making memories together. 

I LOVE all of these colors.
These cute owls were just too adorable not to take a photo of!

We went shopping for art supplies at a local art supply store. I treated myself to some brand-spanking new watercolors, brushes, and a crisp, clean sketch book. After we finished our yummy Mexican lunch (I don't typically take pictures of my food, I just shove it in my face, lol) we went back to my mom's house to put up her Christmas tree. I loved being able to help my mom with this Christmas tradition every year, but I have to admit that the tradition hasn't quite been the same since we ditched our live trees and opted for a fake Christmas tree. 

After we lugged the enormous, plastic wrapped Christmas tree down a flight of stairs, a small part of me was sad. The tree that is currently residing in my mom's living room didn't look quite right to me. It looked almost fake to me, and had none of the fresh, pine smells that I loved so much as a child. Plus, this tree is decorated with lights, ornaments, and everything. When I was a kid, we always had a gorgeous, gigantic live Christmas tree. I remember the strong, alluring smells of the tree, and the joy of picking out a tall, chubby tree with my parents. The family would spend hours and hours joyfully decorating the tree with an assortment of ornaments under my mom's keen eyes. I enjoyed adding lights, garland, glitter, tensile, and loads of ornaments to the temporary addition to our home. We have had a couple of ornaments that have been lingering around in our Christmas decorations totes forever. One of my favorites is a wooden horse with a bright, red mohawk. The other is of a wooden person driving a little, yellow car. I'm pretty sure that these little guys came in a set because their colors and nifty, vintage patterns match perfectly. I've always loved them.

So do you prefer a live Christmas tree or a dead Christmas tree?

I know that a lot of people prefer either a live tree or a fake tree. I understand that the fake Christmas trees are more economical, inexpensive, and super easy to set-up. But there is just something about a live Christmas tree that just signals that Christmas is near to me. I guess that my love for live Christmas trees has a lot to do with all of those great childhood memories. I'm not a mom yet, but when I become a mother, I want to share all of the lovely, joyous memories and feelings that a live Christmas tree brings to me. My hubster is the same way. His family (even now) goes on the search for the perfect Christmas tree in early December. In a way, my in-laws having a live Christmas tree makes my Christmases just a bit better (if that is even possible)! So which do you prefer live Christmas trees or the fake ones?

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