
Sunday, December 1, 2013

An Easy Remedy to Get Rid of the Common Cold

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No one likes being sick.

The common cold is something terrible that happens to everyone at some point. The common cold has a variety of symptoms, such as, cough, low grade fevers, and even cold chills. When you feel yucky and sick, you don't really want to do anything.

Instead of taking more pills, try an all natural route instead.

As I have previously mentioned, I was feeling yucky and sickly last week. I'm not a big fan of taking another pill to relieve for health problems that arise in my life. I just don't feel comfortable pumping my body full of drugs with outrageous side effects for a sniffle, cough, or sneeze. Most of the time, my body will be able to fight off whatever cold or infection I have. But unfortunately, sometimes my body needs a little help in getting rid of the cold or infection that I am suffering from. I typically prefer a more natural route, including, tonics, herbs, and other all natural remedies.


There are a lot of home remedies to get rid of pretty much any symptom of the common cold you can think of. There are a lot of remedies that work and a lot that don't. What you have to remember is that everyone's body is different; so, everyone has different reactions to home remedies. It is important to remember that if you have any health problems, allergies, or if you are pregnant, you should consult with your physician before you try out this (or any other) remedy.

This is my favorite and easy remedy to get rid of the common cold.

I have been experimenting with home remedies for a long time. I have a few home remedies that usually work wonders for me. By far, my favorite remedy for getting rid of the common cold is probably a little unconventional. Actually, this particular remedy comes from a Native American remedy. Some Native American tribes use to sit the sick person in a sweat hut for hours to detoxify your body. Then, they would dunk the person in a cold stream, and wrap the person in blankets. Then, in some circumstances, the sick person would return to the sweat hut for a bit.

Since I do not have access to a sweat hut or a cold stream, I have to do things with a modern twist. Here's how I preform my modern twist on this old remedy. First, I lay in a hot bath for at least ten minutes. Typically, I will be sweating a little bit before I drain the water. Next, I turn on the shower and blast cold water for just a few seconds. Then, I typically fall asleep. Typically, this remedy doesn't get rid of the common cold COMPLETELY but it does help.

Boost the effects of this remedy by using herbs.

If I'm feeling particularly terrible and sickly, I will add in some essential oils of certain herbs that can boost your immune system. The right mix can actually smell like Vick's vapor rub, and is great if you have any chest congestion at all. For more information on this topic, read How to Boost Your Immune System with Herbs.

If you have any other remedies for a cold, feel free to leave your comments below!

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