
Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Weekly Cleaning Checklist

I hope that everyone is enjoying a fantastic hump day! I'm definitely looking forward to the weekend because my week has been usually difficult. I know that I usually only share free printables on Friday, but I just couldn't wait to share this with everyone! 

I Hate Clutter and Messes!

No one hates cleaning more than me.  But I hate living in a pigsty even more.  I find cluttered and dirty spaces uninspiring. Plus, all of the piles and the clutter seems to clutter my brain.

So, I'm left to declutter and cleanup my home. If you're anything like me, I need a list to get pretty much anything done, especially things that I hate to do, such as, cleaning. Here is a list of what I do on a weekly basis to keep my home clean, clutter free, and tidy. Plus, you will be able to take a day off, and not have to worry about declutter and tidying up your house! A day off is always a plus in my book.

Here's My Weekly Cleaning Checklist:

Monday -Sweep -Mop -Counters -Trash Out -Paper Clutter (mail, those pesky sales ads, ect.)
Tuesdays  -Sweep -Mop -Counters -Trash Out -Tub
Wednesday  -Sweep -Mop -Counters -Trash Out -Wash Dogs
Thursday -Sweep -Mop -Counters -Trash Out -Toliet
Friday -Sweep -Mop -Counters -Trash Out -Clothes Washed -Bills Paid
Saturday  -Sweep -Mop -Counters
Sunday off

Grab Your Own Free Printable!

I've made a free printable weekly cleaning checklist to help me, and you get on track. You can grab a checklist of your own here.

It certainly doesn't include everything that needs to be cleaned, but it does include mostly everything that should be cleaned on a weekly basis. Friday, I will try to make a monthly cleaning checklist, and I will list other things that need to be cleaned on a monthly basis.

Feel free to leave any questions or comments below!