
Tuesday, February 18, 2014

50 Alternative Words to Replace Good

How's your Tuesday going? Mine is so-so. My husband and I downloaded Pokemon Yellow and unfortunately that game is such a time drain! And its super addictive. I've finally climbed my way out of my gaming problem, and decided to get some stuff done!

My post about alternative words for beautiful seemed to go over really well. I've read so many comments about how it was useful and helpful; so, I'm thinking about making this 50 alternative words idea a weekly installment here at Methodical Living. If you haven't seen the post here it is: 50 Different Words To Replace Beautiful. If you have a word that you would like alternatives for send me an email here, and I'll try to feature it on here.

Good. Good. Good.

So, for today we will be using the word good. How many times have you wished for a word better than good?

"How's your day?" -Good.
"How's your dinner?" -Good.
"How was the movie?" -Good.

Imagine this instead...

"How's your day?" -Splendid.
"How's your dinner?" -Wonderful.
"How was the movie?" -Marvelous.

See? That's much better.

Show Some Emotion in Your Vocabulary

Good is such a bland word. It doesn't describe or hint at any feelings. It is spectacular to use some emotions, color, and feelings in your everyday jargon. Go ahead, I won't laugh.  Now, don't get me wrong, good has its place in our vocabulary. But do we have to use it a million times in a single day? No, why not try to use one of the words listed below to replace that constant good.

50 Alternative Words to Replace Good

1. acceptable
2. excellent
3. exceptional
4. favorable
5. marvelous
6. positive
7. satisfactory
8. superb
9. wonderful
10. pleasing
11. rad
12. super
13. superior
14. worthy
15. admirable
16. commendable
17. first-class
18. gnarly
19. neat
20. splendid
21. stupendous
22. fine
23. outstanding
24. skillful
25. top-notch
26. world-class
27. incomparable
28. meritorious
29. notable
30. shipshape
31. congenial
32. deluxe
33. keen
34. nifty
35. sensational
36. swell
37. wonderful
38. terrific
39. fab
40. mind-blowing
41. stunning
42. spectacular
43. monumental
44. astounding
45. astonishing
46. dynamite
47. phenomenal
48. radical
49. groovy
50. wonderous

Questions? Comments?

If you have any questions, comments, or words of your own feel free to share them below!

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  1. Thank you for this article! I know good has a place in our vocabulary but in our home we're trying to pretend it's "not" a word because it's used WAY too much! Thanks for the alternatives, I'm printing this out for my kids & ME!

  2. Gurvy Green, you're welcome! Good is used so much that I think that its lost all meaning in my book. I hope these help. My favorite replacement is rad. :)

