
Tuesday, February 11, 2014

DIY Valentine Garland

Good morning everyone! I hope that everyone is enjoying their week. Apparently, there is a cold front that is affecting most of the United States. Here in Georgia, it is pretty cold, and we're expecting snow today or tomorrow- fingers crossed.- Today, I will be sharing a do it yourself tutorial for making Valentine garland.

DIY Valentine Garland

I bought some heart decorations at the dollar store and was pleasantly surprised to find that I could use them in several projects. That was a dollar well spent! 

I knew that I wanted some type of Valentine garland, but I wasn't sure how I was going to actually construct this garland. Finally, last night I came up with this idea to simply connect all of the larger decorative hearts using connector rings. The connector rings are most commonly used in jewelry making, and luckily I had more than enough stashed away for this project.

Here's how to make the Valentine garland:


  • Lots of large hearts
  • Connector rings
  • Needle Nose Pliers
  • A Piece of Wire


  1. Poke holes in the far end of each hearts using the piece of wire.
  2. Open the connector rings with the needle nose pliers.
  3. Connect the hearts together, and close each consecutive connector ring.
  4. Hang up and enjoy!

Its simple, cute, and festive!
This garland seriously only took about 30 minutes to make, but it looks so darn cute! I'm considering keeping it up year round to add some festive, glitterness to my life! 

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  1. Your garland turned out great! I have the supplies to make one too, but haven't yet! And it's almost Valentine's Day...better get on it! Stopping by from the SITS Girls Comment Love Tribe! ~Krissa (

    1. Thanks for stopping by Krissa! This garland is so easy to make... I'm a little embarrassed to say that it took me a day or two to come up with it. I was originally wanting to use ribbons, but I figured that it may not turn out as good. I like to keep things simple!


  2. I love this. I just got a stack of glitter paper. Time to cut some hearts to decorate the preschool classroom on Friday!

    1. Thanks for stopping by Lauren! Good luck decorating! I'm sure all of your preschoolers will love the glittery, sparkly fun!

  3. What a great idea!! This is too cute and would work for any holiday by changing the hearts to something else...Thanks for sharing #SITSBlogging

    1. Thanks for stopping by LaKita! I was thinking about picking up some glittery shamrocks for St. Patty's day! If I do, I'll post that tutorial as well!

  4. I love the Dollar Tree. You can't go wrong when you're only out a buck! Love this garland--so sparkly and fun. My girls would adore it! Thanks. #SITSBlogging

    1. Keri, thanks for stopping by! I too, love all dollar stores. They are filled with so many things that can be repurposed into something that looks amazing! Thank you for your kind comments. At first, I honestly didn't know how the garland would come out but I took a chance. I'm pleased with the results!

  5. What an adorable project!

    Nice to meet you through #SITSBlogging!

    Kimberly @ Rhubarb and Honey (

    1. Kimberly, thanks for stopping by and its great to meet you too! I've been meeting so many amazing bloggers in the SITS Girls community.

  6. Kristina, thanks for stopping by!

  7. I love it! I can't believe you got those hearts for $1! I love hearts, sparkles, and garlands. I had grand plans to make one for our mantle this February and time got away from me. ;) Pinning your tutorial to save for next year! #SITSBlogging

    1. Lena, I know right? I saw them as I was perusing the dollar store and just had to have them! Thank you for stopping by and sharing!

  8. Hi! your Valentine's Day Garland is cute ! Very Creative. I'm pinning it. I'm coming over from #Sitsblogging
    Have a nice night,

    1. Hi, Kim! Thank you so much for your kind words, stopping by, and sharing!


  9. A great tutorial and garland! Pinning for later use. #SITSBlogging

    1. Leanne, thank you for stopping by and sharing!

