
Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Five Yoga Poses to Stay Focused

Everyone has a different view of how yoga can benefit them. Some people even see yoga as something that they cannot benefit from. But those select few naysayers are completely wrong.

Let me just say from experience that yoga is a wonderfully rewarding form of exercise that nourishes not only your body but your mind as well. Yoga is an excellent way to relieve stress, stay focused, and remove negative energy from your body.Yoga is also a great way to stretch your muscles and get moving.

I am a testament to everything that yoga can do. Everytime I feel down or unfocused, a simple yoga routine can clear all of the worries, doubts, and fears from my mind, body, and soul.

Here are five great yoga poses that will keep you focused and grounded throughout your day. The great thing about these poses is that they are simple and only take a few moments to reap all of the wonderful benefits!

The Tree Pose

Stand up straight and focus on a point in front of you. Lift your leg and tuck it into your upper inner thigh. Hold the pose for as long as you can by focusing on your chosen point. To make this pose easier, try placing your foot lower on your leg.


  • Improves your balance.
  • Stretches the groin, chest, and inner thighs.
  • Relieves pressure on the sciatica. 

Downward Facing Dog

Start this pose by getting on your hands and knees. Curl your toes, lift your body, and make an inverted V with your body. Hold for a few breaths and focus on your toes.


  • Improves digestion.
  • Strengthens arms and legs.
  • Provides a calming effect on the brain.

Wide Legged Forward Bend

Start this pose by standing up with your legs a little farther than hip width apart. Bend at your hips and place your hands on the ground in front of you. Actively stretch your fingers and press them into the ground. Hold this pose for a few breaths.


  • Provides a calming effect on the brain.
  • Stretches the inner thighs and back.
  • Provides a moderate relief for a backache.

Mountain Pose

Start this pose by standing up. Make sure that every part of your body is aligned, starting with the alignment of your toes. Most routines start with this pose.


  • Improves balance.
  • Streghtens the abs and legs.

Corpse Pose

Start this pose by laying flat on the floor. Tense your entire body as you inhale deeply. Then, exhale and relax your body. Lay like this for as long as you need. To get out of this pose, hug your thighs and roll upwards.


  • Provides a calming effect for the brain.
  • Relieves mild depression.
  • Lowers blood pressure.

Questions? Comments?

The way I have described how to preform each pose is the way that I typically use. If you have other ways to preform a pose, feel free to leave a comment below! And as always, if you have questions or stories of your own to share, feel free to leave them below!

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  1. I like doing yoga to build strength and flexibility mostly. I do love how calming yoga is. I love following along to a good yoga video.

    1. Kristen, thanks for stopping by! I totally agree, yoga can be the most relaxing, soothing exercise ever. After a good yoga routine, I always feel refreshed and invigorated!


  2. My kids love doing yoga. I think it's time to join them!

    1. Laurel, you should definitely give yoga a try! I like it because there are levels of difficulty for everyone. Plus, it really helps you notice your body and whats going on. Thanks for stopping by!

  3. I love these and your simple illustrations!

    1. Kristen, thank you very much! I was going to take pictures of myself doing the poses but realized that I'm way too self conscious for that at the moment! Thanks for stopping by!

  4. I love these, I'm going to have to try them, a couple are new to me and I'm pretty sure the corpse pose will result in a nap :)

    1. Krista, yes, the corpse pose can be pretty relaxing. I usually set a timer so that I'm not laying out in the floor, passed out for hours! My favorite is downward facing dog though. It stretches my legs and feels great!

