
Monday, March 10, 2014

Time to Vent

Hello and happy Monday to everyone! I hope that everyone enjoyed their weekend. Mine wasn't too pleasant, but I've learned a lot over the past two days. This post is more or less a venting posting.

Saturday, I had several mini meltdowns. I cried, I squeaked, and absolutely no one could understand me. My husband was in shock at how I reacted to a little clutter and disorganization. Well, I'll start from the beginning....

See, Wednesday I was diagnosed with ADHD and social anxiety. Okay, great. A tangible reason to why I lose my phone 6 times in 10 minutes. Seriously, THAT happened to me in the doctor's office. I hadn't moved but apparently my phone jumped around like one of those jumping beans. Anyway, I took my prescription to get them filled, and my nerve medications were fine. But the medication that I actually need to function properly didn't get filled. Apparently, I have to wait for my doctor and my insurance company to talk about it. Who knew? Not this girl!

After that, I was completely bummed. I was so happy to think that I could get back to my freelance writing job and finally make some money, but no. I've had several mini meltdowns between Wednesday and Saturday. I believe that Saturday was my breaking point. I looked around and realized that somewhere along the line, my organizing efforts had gone astray. All of my good intentions were completely down the drain. Just. Like. That.

I had been so overwhelmed by my doctor's appointment, sending out various resumes, and worrying about pretty much everything that I had forgotten my efforts. I mean, I even started this blog to help others get organized and live a simplified life, but somewhere I lost my way. Then I realized something else, I've been sharing DIY tutorials, recipes, and writing tips more than I have been writing about organizing. I love tutorials, recipes, and writing tips but they shouldn't outshine the main point of this blog.

So, I forced myself to stay concentrated and tried to get something done late Saturday night or early Sunday morning- however you want to look at it. I'm really proud to say that I set up files, organized my paperwork and bills, cleaned out some drawers, and I have devised a plan to organize a bit more.

This week I plan on sharing what I've done to make my life more simple. Feel free to leave any comments on how you make your life more simple too!

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