
Monday, October 13, 2014

Sugar and Coconut Oil Facial Scrub

Happy Monday everyone! I hope that everyone enjoyed their weekends. I know that I enjoyed vegging out and watch my favorite shows with my hubby. That's the best thing about being pregnant for me. 

In this post, I'd like to share a facial scrub recipe that I absolutely love! Not many people know this but I'm a closeted fan of all things girly. Behind closed doors, I love doing my nails, facials, and dressing up. I don't really enjoy makeup, but everything else is totally up for grabs for me. 

I have major skin problems. My main problem is with white heads. I've been battling them for years and nothing seems to work. I've used every sort of chemical and harsh toxin known to the world. Well, nothing except exfoliating. I hate those high priced exfoliating products that never work.


  • coconut oil
  • sugar


  1. Mix equal parts of coconut oil and sugar into a small bowl. You are looking for a grainy consistency.
  2. Apply mixture to a clean face in circular motions.
  3. Wash your face clean and pat dry.

This is one of the best natural exfoliators and I always, always, always use this all natural mixture. I've found that coconut oil is light enough to not clog my pores like olive oil. Plus, I get to smell slightly like coconut for the rest of the day!

Do you have a favorite all natural exfoliator? If so, I'd love to hear about what you use! Feel free to leave any questions, comments, or personal stories in the comment section below!

If you need help tackling your organizing obstacles feel free to email me (at and I'll do my best to help you out!


  1. Replies
    1. Heather, it really does! And normally I don't even like the smell of coconut, lol. :)


  2. This recipe sounds awesome. I love scrubs and look forward to trying this! I am your neighbor at the Linkup. Blessings. Cathy

    1. Gospel Gurl, thank you so much for stopping by. This is by far one of my favorite facial scrubs. Its super gentle on my face!


  3. I, too, love coconut oil. I make a couple of DIY cleansers with it. It's perfect at hydrating my oily skin without over doing it! I have made my own facial scrub before with coconut oil and sea salt, but I'm sure sugar would work just as well. I will give it a try! Have you even tried a bentonite clay mask? It's great at purifying the skin and may help with the whiteheads.

    1. Christie, I tried using regular salt before but I found that sugar is smaller! Its perfect. I haven't tried a bentonite clay mask. I'll definitely have to give it a try! Thank you. :)


  4. Hello cute lady! I love this. Pinned. We couldn't think of anyone better to party with. We hope to see you tomorrow at 7 pm.
    Happy Sunday! Lou Lou Girls

    1. Kimberly, Thank you so much for sharing this! I will definitely be stopping by your link up party. :)


  5. I love this simple and easy recipe. I can imagine it would be so refreshing to tired skin. I'm trying this tonight! Thanks for sharing at Wake Up Wednesday!
