
Wednesday, October 8, 2014

The Click and Chat Link Up Party!

The Click and Chat Link Up Party!

The Click and Chat Link up party! come and share your favorite posts with us and find some new great blogs!!
Welcome to the new Click and Chat link up party!Its always good to change and evolve so that is what we decided to do!The social media link up was fun and it brought a good amount of attention to your links but we found that not to many people were actually going to the blogs that you all have some lovingly created.
Isn't that the point of all of the social media- to bring more traffic to your blogs?
The Click and Chat Crew wants to help you find new readers, network with other bloggers,drive up your site traffic,and grow your social media! We thought the best way to do that was to give you a place to showcase your favorite 3 posts and then give you one social media link up area a week to really focus in on. It is the best of both worlds!
To add another bonus each host will be picking one blog post to feature here on the link up each week!
What can you link up in the post section?
crafts,inspirational posts,recipes,giveaways- as long as it is all family friendly!
No spamming any of these links or any of the blogs you find on here please.
It doesn't have to be a new link!! Dig into your blog and find those posts that deserve a little more attention!
Some general guidelines (and just plain good blogging manners)!
Make sure to follow or like the hosts and co-hosts in the social media section below. They are all there in the very beginning just to make it easy for you!
Please do not just drop your link on here and go! Link up and then hop around throughout the day and week and say hello to at least 3 other blogs or links (and make sure to say you found them on the Click and Chat link up party!)
When you go and like or follow a page on social media do it with your personal account so it will actually count for the pages numbers. Likes from business pages do not count. Pages in your niche you may want to also go back and like with your blogs page as well just so you can comment on them as your page.
Please share this link up on any of your social media channels. It helps us grow and gets more eyes on not just your link but others as well. If we all did this more then everyone would benefit much more!
Are you ready to link up? Great!
Meet your Hosts and Co-Hosts for this month!
*we are always looking for new co-hosts so if you are interested please send Amber or Kim a message on their Facebook pages!
Rebecca – Futures / Katie-/ Sarah-Baking with Mom
facebook posts
  post linkup

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