
Wednesday, December 10, 2014


Hello everyone! I apologize for being absent for so long without any notice, but I have a good reason (I swear!). 

As a lot of you may know, I've been pregnant for a while now. Actually, my due date was November 15th and while that date came and went, I was still pregnant. So, I had to get induced- which is a fancy way of saying that my body needed just a bit of help going into labor. And, I may say that I was more than ready to get things going after being pregnant for 41 weeks. 

After trying to induce labor for three days, it was a big failure. Well, I must say that I was dilated 9.5 cm and had my water broken, but my little man refused to come out the way I had planned. See, I had a very detailed labor plan, and my little man just wasn't feeling it. I plan on writing a detailed post on my labor experience later on. Anyway, I was forced to have a c section on November 22th and I was finally able to meet my little man. And he is absolutely perfect, all 7 pounds and 15 ounces of him.

So (long story short) I have been struggling to adapt to being a new mother and healing from surgery. While I may not post as frequently as I would like to on here, I would like to make a note that I have not forgotten about this page. I will do my best to post as often as I can. :) Also, I plan on redesigning the blog too so there may be a lot of changes going on around here in the next few weeks. Stay tuned!

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