
Monday, March 3, 2014

Are Lists Really Productive?

-Is your to do list never ending?
-Does just looking at all of those tasks stress you out?
-Do you need something to remind you of everything that you need to do?

I know that feeling, believe me. 

To do lists can be a great thing, especially if you are always forgetting every little thing that needs to be done. But, they can cause a lot of stress to. For some people, to do lists are just a list filled with stress and things that we can't seem to find the time to complete. Personally, I love to do lists. Checking off each tasks fills me with a sense of productivity. And when I reach the end of my to do list, its like a party is going on in my head.

Let's examine the pros and cons of making lists


  • Lists help you know exactly what needs to be done.
  • With lists, you'll never forget anything.
  • Checking off tasks, fills you (or at least me) with an unbelievable amount of satisfaction.
  • With a list, we tend to focus on the details.


  • Looking over a list can produce an amazing amount of stress.
  • Sometimes, lists make us stretch ourselves too thin.
  • Lists make us lose sight of the big picture.
  • Without a list, we tend to forget things that need to be done.

The conclusion...

I will still continue to make my daily lists because they work for me. They help me get things done; so, I'm not worrying about the things that I'm forgetting. I think that the most important thing with lists is to decide the things that absolutely need to be done. Most of the time I will number my list and the first ten things on the list absolutely HAVE to get done.

What about you?

Which do you prefer- using a list or not using a list?

Questions? Comments?

Do you have any questions, comments, or personal stories to share? Please, feel free to leave any comments below!

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