
Tuesday, March 4, 2014

How to Remember Dreams

Do you ever find yourself pondering over the dream you had last night?

D you ever get that distinct feeling of deja vu?

Dreams Are Elusive

Every night we dream. Yes, all of us, everyone dreams, but more times than not, we forget what we were dreaming about. As a child, I never had this problem, I could recall in vivid details what my dreams were about and who played the starring roles. Now that I'm an adult, all of that is gone. My brain is much to worried about paying bills, work related issues, and that mean look I got from the cashier at the market a week ago. About a month ago, I had enough. I make a conscious decision to remember my dreams, and you can too.

How to Remember Dreams

Keep a Journal and Pen Within Arms Reach

This is something that I always try to do. Keeping a journal and pen with me will increase the chances of me actually writing down my dream (or a great idea) before it flies away like a thief in the night. The sheer act of writing your dream down will help you to remember other little details that are lurking in the corners of your mind. Don't worry if it doesn't make any sense because dreams rarely do.

Write Down Everything As Soon As You Wake Up

This is probably one of the most important pieces of advice that I'm going to give you. Write everything down as soon as possible. No. exceptions. The longer you wait to write it down, the more details you will lose. So just jot it down before you even get out of bed.

Don't Hit the Snooze Button

The snooze button is a horrible habit to get into. I must admit that from time to time, I hit the snooze button too, but I always wake up feeling terrible. If I would have just gotten up with my alarm the first time I would feel refreshed and well rested. But that little button can be tempting from time to time. Hitting the snooze button in the case of dreams can cause you to forget everything. So, do yourself a favor and forget that pesky snooze button.

Relax Before Bed

Get into a routine before bed. It doesn't have to be a long, boring routine, but try to stay away from electronics. Yep, no more late night Facebook, Pinterest, or Twitter. Do small things like a bedtime yoga routine, brushing your teeth, and reading a small portion of a book. That will put your mind in the “sleepy” time state, and you will not only be able to recall your dreams, but you will sleep better too.

Make A Conscious Decision to Remember Your Dreams

Say to yourself that you are going to remember your dreams, and say it over and over again before going to bed. Make that decision, and your brain will help you out. It may take a few nights but before long you will be able to recall your dreams, and that my friend is a beautiful thing.

Questions? Comments? Personal Stories?

Feel free to share any questions, comments, or personal stories that you have in the space below! 

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