
Monday, August 25, 2014

How to be Organized at Home

Everyone seems to be longing for a more organized life. In this day and age being organized can be hard. There is always something else to do- there's early meetings, emails to respond to, family to be with, and the list goes on and on. Luckily, there is something that you can do to be organized at home. Below are some of my best tips on the subject. 
how to organize at home

How to be Organized at Home

how to organize at home

Have a spot for everything

Always have a spot for everything. Never leave an item in limbo because it will undoubtedly get shifted around during the minutes, hours, or days between the last time you used it and the time you need it again. Having a spot for everything is the number one essential part of being organized. Just think about it, you will always know where everything is. Just think about all of the time you'll save!

how to organize at home

Always put an item away after you use it

Like I stated above, never, ever leave an item in limbo. I know, it may seem like a pain in the butt, but always take the extra time to put an item back where it belongs. If having a spot for everything is the number one rule for being organized then putting items back where they belong is definitely the second rule for being organized at home.

how to organize at home

Stop stock piling random things

Stop stock piling random items. Just stop it. You do, I do it, and pretty much everyone I know is guilty of this. When I cleaned out my kitchen months ago, I found multiples of pretty much everything. Do you know what I did? I filled my kitchen drawers with my favorite items and ditched the rest of the junk I had stockpiled. Honestly, it is gut wrenching to think about how many times I lugged those ice cream Scoopers, spatulas, or whatever else I had acquired over eight times. 

Do you have any tips or tricks that you use to stay organized? I'd love to hear your input in the comment section below!


  1. These are so really great tips! I always feel like it can take me weeks to finally get everything all organized but then only a couple of days get everything unorganized again, haha! Oh one of these days I will get it all together.

    Little Lady Little City

    1. Amanda, I know that feeling too well! It always seems as if I'd rather watch TV with my husband and dogs instead of cleaning up things that only take just a minute- go figure. Then, by the time he goes to work I have a ton of things that will take soo much longer. One day we will find a way!

