
Friday, August 22, 2014

Weekly To Do List Printable

Happy Friday everyone!

As a lot of you may know, I LOVE lists. They help me keep all of my thoughts together. Without them, I tend to forget even the most important things. Today, I'd like to share a weekly to do list printable that is 100% free!

Weekly To Do List Printable

weekly to do list printable
weekly to do list printable

weekly to do list printable

weekly to do list printable

Get Your Weekly To Do List Printable

weekly to do list printable
Download this printable here

Instructions on downloading and printing the weekly to do list printable:

  1. Click on the link above.
  2. Save the printable to your computer.
  3. Open the list in picture viewer. 
  4. Make sure to size up the list to fit the page perfectly.
  5. Press print!
  6. Fill it in with all of your errands and important tasks.

Are lists an important part of your life, like they are mine? Let me know your thoughts in the comments below!

Have a great weekend!


  1. Love this!! Super simple and easy to the colours too :)
    So glad you were able to link this post up at this week's "Inspired By Me Mondays" link-up!! Love this post :) Hope you are able to join us again next week; open from Monday to Friday each week, Rachael @

    1. Rachel, thank you so much for stopping by! I hope to join up with you again next week!


  2. This is SO cute! I use a planner, but I'd love something easy to throw on my fridge :) Pinning!

    1. Stefanie, thank you! I use both a planner and this print out, but I try to be super organized. Without both I'd forget pretty much everything, lol. Thank you for sharing! :)

