Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Are Psychological Problems Killing You Getting Organized

Image C/O Hegemony77
Good morning everyone! I'm happy to be posting my last post in the Three Reasons Why You Can't Organize Your Home series. Today's subject is all about how and why psychological problems can kill your organizational efforts. This particular post is near and dear to my heart because unfortunately this topic is the one that usually kills my organizing efforts. I'm one of those people that hold on to sentimental clutter way too much.

I've almost broke myself of this nasty habit but let me tell you its been a long and hard journey for me. And unfortunately I've had to let a lot of items go that serve no purpose at all. Believe me when I say this, it was one of the hardest organizational obstacles I had to overcome. But, I managed to do it and if I can do it anyone can too!

There are so many psychological reasons (or problems) that can stifle our organizational and cleaning efforts. I know that there is a lot of bad vibes related to the combination of the words “psychological” and “problems”. Well, I'm here to say that there is no reason to feel bad if you want to keep all of that clutter out of sentimental reasons or any other psychological reason for that matter. But it can be detrimental to your well being to keep that big old stack of Time magazine so keep that in mind.

Here are some questions to ask yourself to determine if psychological problems are killing your organizational efforts:

Are you constantly muttering to yourself about how you HAVE to get organized?

Do you isolate yourself from others so that you can “get organized?”

Do you constantly come up with different organization systems?

Are you a creative or visual person?

Are you anxious about thinking about your space being clean and organized?

If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, a psychological problem may be killing all of your organizational efforts.

Here are some solutions to the problems listed above:

Are you constantly muttering to yourself about how you HAVE to get organized?

Why its a problem: So, this problem is probably the most obvious of each one that I have listed in this post. Obviously, you know that there is a problem. You acknowledge it and tell yourself too much that you need to get down to work.
How to fix it: There's only one way to fix this problem. Basically, you have to actually just get started. Cut out some time to get your space organized and clean.

Do you isolate yourself from others so that you can “get organized?”

Why its a problem: This problem can be a lonely one. A lot of people use their cluttered home as a way to isolate their selves from other people. They're constantly using the excuse that their space is too cluttered or messy so that no one can come over and hang out.

How to fix it: Realize that its time to get back to reality and meet new people. Make changes slowly. Thoroughly get use to the feeling that one by one your rooms and your home is becoming a place where you can actually retreat. Make sure that your rooms are filled with only the things that you need, use, or absolutely can't live without and love. Embrace this new feeling. And look on the bright side, a clutter free space is a better place to escape reality.

Do you constantly come up with different organization systems?

Why its a problem: Coming up with different organizational systems signals that you do not have clear goals set. Everyone loses some sort of clarity in their life at one point or another, and that is okay. One common pitfall is that people take on too many responsibilities at once. Goals and priorities then get mixed up and can become unclear.

How to fix it: First things first, make sure that you're developing a system that works for you and your goals. Sit down and write out a list of goals you want to get accomplished. Your list could be day to day, for a week, or for a month. Doing whatever works for you is the best idea. Try to prioritize  your goals and set up a system to get the most important goals done.

Are you a creative or visual person?

Why its a problem: This was one of the problems that I constantly ran into before I just started organizing. I feel as if I'm a creative person. I like clutter and piles and messes. I felt that I needed it in my life to keep my creative juices flowing, but I was so wrong.

How to fix it: My fears about creativity and clutter could not have been more wrong. As I began the organizational process I realized that instead of blocking or stifling my creativity being organized actually improved my creative process. If you're like me at all, try putting up a board for all of your ideas. With a thought board you will always be able to keep track of your ideas and still have a clutter free space.

Are you anxious about thinking about your space being clean and organized?

Why its a problem: There is a variety of reasons why you feel anxious about organizing your space. Some reasons include, you are afraid of failure, you have a need for material things, or you have a sentimental attachment to your belongings. Whatever the reason, it can be dealt with. .

How to fix it: This was a major psychological problem I have faced. I knew that being organized would save me time and help me get things done faster but I couldn't face getting rid of that old, broken CD from my high school days or the book I've never bothered to pick up and actually read. Just the thought of picking up my chaotic mess made me feel anxious. I decided that my problem was definitely sentimental. I started out with piles. There was a pile for things that I wanted to keep, things I wanted to get rid of, and things that I wasn't sure about. Check out a previous post How to Declutter Anything and Simplify Your Life if you are looking for a more in depth tutorial on this process.

I love hearing from everyone! So feel free to leave any comments, personal stories, or worries that you have in the comment section below and I'll respond as soon as possible!

If you need help organizing your space, feel free to email me at

Monday, September 22, 2014

Recongizing Unrealistic Expectations

Many of us are faced with the horrible fact that we have unrealistic expectations. It can be anything really. I know that I have a list of unrealistic expectations. These expectations can be a good thing at times because they motivate you to get up and do something. For instance, my unrealistic need to have everything clean and tidy keeps me motivated to get up and clean the house. Or my expectations regarding my weight or how I look makes me want to workout, eat healthier, and drink more water.

There is another more dangerous side to unrealistic expectations though. They can make us feel depressed, upset, and as if we do not measure up. I can definitely say that social media (especially Pinterest) makes me feel less than adequate at times. How is it that these supermoms can manage a household of 3 or 4 kids, keep their houses organized, make delicious meals, and create the most creative crafts ever? I seriously want to kidnap one of those women and have them work at my house for a month and teach me their secret ways!

unrealistic expectations
Image C/O ancient history

Unrealistic expectations can also be a horrible thing because you can't actually do what you want to do. 

Here are some questions to ask yourself:

Do you have more than enough work for you to complete?

A significant other, children, or a roommate that refuses to help out?

Are you in a transitional period in your life?

Does your life happen too quickly due to technology and social media?

Do you have a limited amount of space?

If you answered “yes” to one or more of these questions then you may have some unrealistic expectations when it comes to simplifying your life and organizing your home.

More than enough work for you?

Why its a problem: Its good to have goals for yourself. Much like unrealistic expectations, goals can help us do better than we ever thought possible. At the same time, goals can turn into cumbersome burdens that hold us down and suffocate us. Let's face it, no matter how hard we try there is simply not enough time in one day to get everything done. So prioritize your goals.

How to fix it: The keyword here is prioritize. Keep a list of everything you want to accomplish. Put the most important tasks first so that they will definitely get done and put lesser goals toward the bottom. That way, you don't have to beat yourself or drive yourself crazy trying to run around doing a million different things at once.

A significant other, children, or a roommate that refuses to help out?

Why its a problem: This problem is probably the hardest of them all because you are dealing with outside forces that you cannot necessarily change. There's really no way around just sitting and talking with the person. I'm sure you could find a plethora of passive aggressive ways to show your frustration at their less than stellar housekeeping skills, but that really isn't going to make the situation any better, believe me.

How to fix it: Sit your significant other, child, or roommate down and have a discussion on how to keep things clean and tidy. Tell them that its everyone's responsibility to keep things in order and it isn't fair to put all of that stress on just you.

Are you in a transitional period in your life?

Why its a problem: Are you looking for a new job, changing apartments, getting married, or having a baby? These are all huge transitions that can change your life completely and that's just a few of the major life transitions that we go through at some point in our lives. In most situations there is no use in setting up a permanent organizational system because you have no idea of what is and isn't going to work.

How to fix it: Wait till you have the bigger picture to make a system. Until then, setup a temporary system that will help with the transition and keep you organized.

Does your life happen too quickly due to technology and social media?

Why its a problem: Technology is great. Honestly, I can't imagine life without wifi or my smart phone- which oddly enough was only about twelve years ago or less. I feeling as if I'm telling my age but in the past few years my life has completely developed around technology. And I love technology but sometimes it can be a bit too much. Everyone can get a hold of me and that’s rather annoying. It seems like every time I get into a project someone calls me, it never fails. Then, I lose track of what I was doing and all is lost for a few hours.

How to fix it: The fix to this technology debacle is pretty easy. Simply cut out some time in your busy schedule to start getting your organizing done. Put your phone on silent, ignore the calls, or simply turn your phone off. It isn't necessary to be available to everyone all of the time.

Do you have a limited amount of space?

Why its a problem: Let's face it as women we are pretty much expert packers. We've mastered unbelievable levels of Tetris and can pretty much fit everything AND the kitchen sink into a small clutch. But there comes a time when you must accept that you cannot fit another item into a certain room. Honestly, we're miracle workers when it comes to this sort of thing but there is only so much we can do.

How to fix it: There are so many ways to fix this problem. First of all, you can toss some unnecessary items. If you need guidance or instructions on how to know what to toss you can check out my post on How to Get Rid of Sentimental Clutter. Personally, I love cutting down on my belongings. It makes me feel as if my materialistic possessions do not own me but I know a lot of people out there are shaking their heads in disagreement. For example, my mom cringes every time I even mention getting rid of a few of her twenty-something ice cream scoopers, and that’s totally okay. Honestly, that is another problem entirely and I'll get to it in my next post. Another (less invasive) way to fix this problem is to get a bigger space or rent a storage building. That way you can keep all of your things and still reclaim your space.

If there is something you'd like to see here at Methodical Living or if you are in need of some organizing advice, feel free to send me an email at (I'm always happy to help)!!

If you have any comments, personal stories, or you just feel the need to vent about any unrealistic expectations, feel free to do so in the comment section below!

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Why You Can't Simplify Your Life

Hello everyone! I'm excited to continue on with this small, basic organization series. If you missed the first post, here it is: Three Simple Reasons Why You Can't Organize Your Home.
Why You Can't Simplify Your Life
Image C/O Rite Hutcheson Cobbs
Today, I'll be focusing more in depth on the simple mistakes that everyone makes when they organize- whether they admit it or not.
  • Do all of your belongings have a home?

  • Are any of your storage systems convenient to reach and get too?

  • Do you think that organizing is fun and exciting?

  • Does the amount of stuff you have equal the amount of storage space your home or apartment has?

  • Do you remember things without having them strewn around your home?

  • Are your storage systems easy to understand and follow?

If you answered “No” to one or more of these questions then you might be suffering from simple organizing mistakes. Don't fret though because it is super simple to rectify these mistakes and become organized.

Simple Ways to Correct Organizing Mistakes

Do all of your belongings have a home?

Why its a problem: All of your belongings should have a home- a specific location where it is stored until that moment when you need it. Unfortunately, there is no way around it but with a little elbow grease everything you own can have a a home. 

The solution: Take some time and find a location for everything that you own and stick to your decisions. If you have a hard time getting into the organization mood read this article on How to Be Organized at Home.

Are any of your storage systems convenient to reach and get too?

Why its a problem: Why would anyone want to follow a organizing plan that is inconvenient. If you can barely reach the storage bins or have to move several big totes to get to your closet you are definitely not going to want to put anything away, ever.

The solution: The only way to stick to a plan is to make sure that you make something that is fun and easy to follow. Use brightly colored boxes or line the inside of your drawers with colorful paper. Make your organization system fun, appealing, and easy to follow and you'll be more willing to follow your new system.

Do you think that organizing is fun and exciting?

Why its a problem: Not everyone thinks that organizing is fun or exciting. Trust me, even I have to be in the right mood to start digging through random junk in my house. I can always find something better or more fun to do than organize, but it takes time to become organized. There are things that you can't escape from and organizing is one of them.

The solution: Its best to just put on your favorite jams or a favorite television show and get down to work. To make it easier organize your home in chucks. Start with one section of a room or (if you're feeling frisky) an entire room.

Does the amount of stuff you have equal the amount of storage space your home or apartment has?

Why its a problem: Do you have too much stuff and too little space? I'm sorry but its impossible to store your things in a space that is inadequate.

The solution: The perfect solution to this problem is to get a bigger space. I know that a lot of us aren't blessed with having an option of getting a bigger space. So, try renting a storage building to keep all of your extra belongings in. If you don't want to invest any money or don't have the funds for it try getting rid of a few things by throwing a garage sale or donating things to a local thrift store.

Do you remember things without having them strewn around your home?

Why its a problem: I'm a big believer in out of sight, out of mind. I suffer from ADHD and while I don't use this as an excuse; I feel it is a perfect explanation of why I am the way I am. Plus, I know that a lot of people are this way-ADHD or not. If something isn't right under my nose the likelihood of me remembering it is slim to none. Having a few things like library books or homework setting on the table is okay but when the clutter and mess starts to spread and pile up you have a problem.

The solution: Here's a little something that I do to curb this terrible habit- I use sticky notes. Plus, if it is really important I'll leave somethings out on the counter so that there is no way I'll forget it.

Are your storage systems easy to understand and follow?

Why its a problem: Having storage systems that are clear, concise, and easy to understand goes hand in hand with having storage systems that are convenient and easy to get too. Make sure that your storage bins or totes are clearly labeled and you know exactly where everything goes. That way you won't get frustrated and give up on your storage system.

The solution: If you struggle with this try figuring out a way to make organizing easier.

If you have a question or problem with your organization system or plan, feel free to email me here.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Baby Shower!

Sorry for the late post! I was meaning to post this yesterday but had some trouble editing the pictures on time. So, today I want to take a break from business and get a little personal. Sunday was my baby shower and I couldn't be happier! I had tons of fun with old friends and family and I got a lot of great things for my little man, Zander!

The hubby and I in awe of our little guy. This is by far my favorite picture from the shower!
Yummy cupcakes. These were red velvet, my favorite!
My guy being crazy. :)

There was more food than just cupcakes but I forgot to take pictures of everything else!
Gifts! These bibs, blankets, and burp cloths were all handmade. <3

We're pretty much all ready for our guy to come into the world! I can't wait to be able to hold him, talk to him, and maybe even pinch his cheeks!!!

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Three Reasons Why You Can't Organize Your Home

Hello everyone! Today, I want to focus on three reasons why you can't organize your home. I will talk about each of these reasons more in depth in later posts. Hopefully, I'll have a post dedicated to each reason and how to get over these problems.

organize your home

Everyone (or everyone in my mind) wants to have an organized home where they can easily locate any item that they need in an instant. Imagine how much time you waste looking for your keys, your clothes, your shoes, and whatever else. I'm not sure about you, but I can literally waste hours looking for just the necessities each and every week. I know I'm not the only one. Are you wasting time looking for things that should be easy to locate? If you experience this time suck continue reading to see if any of these three problems matches you.
organize your home

organize your home

organize your home

Three Simple Reasons Why You Can't Organize Your Home

Simple Mistakes

Organizing is a skill that pretty much anyone can learn. This skill is simple and can only get better overtime. It does take a lot of thought, creativity, and strength of will but I guarantee you will be a better person for it in the end. There are so many mistakes that people make when they begin their organizing journey. Trust me, I've made them and you probably will too, but that's okay. At least you're giving it the old college try.

In a later post, I will go into more depth about these simple mistakes but for now I will list off one or two that I've struggled with in the past.

Organizing isn't any fun. True, it isn't fun, but it needs to be done. I'm sure that you can think of a zillion other more fun things to do with your time- I know I can! You probably have a television show or a website that is silently calling out to you; so, you have no drive to actually pick up and clean up even the smallest things. I get around this time drain by listening to music or playing my favorite television show while I do small cleaning tasks around the house.

Another simple mistake I've made is that none of my stuff has a home. My hairbrush, shoes, clothes, and whatever else just kind of hangs out in limbo with no where else to go. When I went to grab an item I was looking for it could be in one of a hundred locations and I didn't know where to begin looking for them item. So, I was wasting so much time looking in a number of places. Totally wasted my time. It was ridiculous, and let me repeat total time drain.

Unrealistic Expectations

Everyone has at least some kind of unrealistic expectation about their world, life, or self. Its really only human nature to want to be better and do the best we can. I know that I have many unrealistic expectations about myself that will probably never happen, but these expectations help me to better myself in ways that I would never have thought of.

So, maybe you're (for the most part) organized. You have broken down and gotten rid of anything that was just clutter or duplicates. If you need help with clearing away clutter check out my post about Getting rid of clutter. Everything in your home has a place for the most part, but you just can't seem to find enough storage to put everything else. Maybe you've ran out of room or maybe your storage systems just aren't working out.

Maybe you are in a transition point in your life; so, a permanent storage system isn't reasonable. Maybe you're looking for a new place or a new job. Whatever the reason, try to implement a temporary system that will keep you on track and working smarter not harder. I'll go into more detail about this problem and how to fix it next week.

Psychological Reasons

Psychological reasons are possibly the worst reason why you can't organize your house. These types of problems can be terribly difficult to get over and even harder to spot. The first step is really becoming away of the reason or reasons why you are psychologically sabotaging your organizing efforts.

Let's say you have come up with several organizing systems but you never fully put them into good use. A small voice inside of your craves for the unorganized, cluttered life even though you know you want to be organized. Something inside of you just subconsciously makes you sabotage anything that could possible better your living situation.

Maybe you have a fear of failing at getting your home, life, or whatever else organized. You know that an organized home is something that you want but a little voice is telling you that it just can't be done. You know that annoying little voice that always tries to sabotage you at every turn. Nothing you do is good enough for that voice, and perhaps that terrible, little voice has you convinced that it is just trying to help you out.

Now, there are many reasons for each of these problems, and as I said before I will delve into these problems later on. For now, it is important to remember that a lot of people have a mix of these three types of problems and there are always ways to fix these problems. If you need help breaking through the mold and getting rid of these problems, feel free to email me and I'll do my best to help you get your home organized!

Does one of these problems match your reasons why you can't organize your house? Do you have any other problems that are not listed here? Feel free to leave any comments, questions, or personal stories in the comment section below!


Friday, September 5, 2014

DIY Invitation Ideas

As most of my readers already know, I'm pregnant and cannot wait for my little dude to arrive. My mom's friends are planning my baby shower, but I have been given a few tasks in planning the shower. One of those tasks was to make, print, and fill out invitations for the shower.

I gave it a lot of thought before I made a decision to print out anything. I wanted everything to be just perfect. Invitations are one of the major parts to planning a party whether it be a wedding, baby shower, or birthday party. So, I didn't want to take this task too lightly, but I wanted to have fun in the process.

I decided that I didn't want a cookie cutter invitation to spread the word about my little man's shower. I wanted these invitations to be intimate, personal, and most of all simple. I just had no idea where to begin or what information to include because I've never made baby shower invitations before.

I started my search on Pinterest to see different designs and what other people were doing. While everything was cute and would have been just fine, I wanted it to be more personal. So, I broke out my design skills and designed something that fit my specifications exactly.
diy invitation ideas

Here's the outcome of all of my efforts! I think that they're amazing!!

diy invitation ideas

If you're looking for diy invitation ideas here is exactly what I did.

How to Design Your Own Invitations:
  1. Sketch out the way you want your invitations to look and get a general idea of where all of the information will go.
  2. I used a pre-made invitation template kit. You can find it here. Or you can cut card stock down to fit the size of your invitations.
  3. Look up clip art on Pinterest, We Heart It, or Instagram, or design your own.
  4. Decide on the best fonts and colors.
  5. Lay out all of your information and make sure everything looks exactly the way you want it too.
  6. Add your clip art and resize it if you need too.
  7. Print out your invitations!

    If you have any questions, comments, or personal stories, feel free to share in the comments section below!

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Fall Home Decor Ideas

Fall Home Decor Ideas

Summer is almost at a close and fall is closing in. Actually, we only have 20 days left to enjoy swimming, camping, canoeing, and light summer breezes. Fall is by far my favorite season of the year. I just love colorful leaves, hot drinks, cozy fires, snuggling under a plethora of blankets, and the chill of winter approaching.

With fall on its way it is time to start thinking about fall home decorating ideas. I'm not sure if its just me but I love to have my home feel as cozy as possible during these cool months. There are a few things that you can do to provide the coziest of settings for your home this fall.
Fall Home Decor Ideas
Fall Home Decor Ideas

Fall Home Decor Ideas

Fall Home Decor Ideas

Fall Home Decor Ideas


Swap out light weight cotton blankets for thicker, more snug fabrics such as, velvet. Choose warm colors in hues such as, reds, yellows, golds, and browns. Hang them over the backs of chairs and drape them over your couch to provide the perfect way to keep warm this fall. Blankets add the perfect level of comfort and warmth to your living room.

Natural Aspects

Natural aspects can add more depth to your home decor. Add vases filled with pine cones or apples to add color and depth to your home. And you do not have to stop at just pine cones and apples try to branch out and use gourds, mini pumpkins, and even a colorful arrangement of leaves. If you choose to decorate with apples, you can also have a healthy snack on hand too!


Give your front door some character and charm this fall with a homemade wreath. Wreaths are the perfect way to add a splash of color and character to share with the world. There are some great tutorials on Pinterest for a variety of wreaths. Go check them out!

Cozy Rug

Rugs are the perfect way to add depth and comfort to any room. Personally, I love to add rugs to my front room during fall. Unfortunately, my front room is where my dogs lurk when I'm not at home. The last time I put a rug down, it got torn to shreds. Now, I am stuck with placing rugs in places where my dogs are supervised and under my watchful eye.


Pillows should be treated the same as you would your blankets. Switch out your light, summer pillows with thicker, heavier pillows in colors that accent your throw blankets and the weather outside! If you don't have pillows for summer, you can make your own pillow cases in autumn colors to add a cozy aspect to your house.

What are some ways that you like decorate your home for fall? 

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