Sunday, October 12, 2014

Click & Chat Link Up Party

The Click and Chat Link up Party #28!

The Click and Chat Link up party! come and share your favorite posts with us and find some new great blogs!!

Welcome to the Click and Chat Link up Party!! We are so glad you stopped by to link up with us!

Last week we had a great turn out and we are all so glad that everyone is enjoying the link up party!

Each week we have our hosts pick their favorite post of the week!

These were the posts from last week!

10.13 Hosts pics!

Sarah's Pick (Baking with Mom)- Apple Crisp (Lou Lou Girls)

Amber's Pick (Adventures in Mindful Living)- Pumpkin Spiced Smoothie (Krafts & Kiddos)

Katie's Pick (A Little Pinch of Perfect)- DIY Fireman Tank (Crayon Box Chronicles)

Kim's pick (This Ole Mom)- Shabby Chic Fall Wreath (The Painted Hinge)

Rebecca's pick (Futures)-Money Advice form a Kid (Money Savvy Living)

Sarah's pick (Life in a Breakdown)- Homeschooling on High Energy Days (Life's Hidden Treasure)

Now come and meet your Hosts and Co-Hosts!

meet your hosts


Amber- Adventures In Mindful Living / Kim- This Ole Mom /

Rebecca – Futures / Katie-/ Sarah-Baking with Mom

Kat-MamaBirds Nest /Sarah-Life in a Breakdown /

Tiffany- A Journey with Tiffany / Lara- Methodical Living

Kimberly- Life is a Lullaby

Michele- Bella HomeGoods / Elaine- Ramblings of a Bad Goddess

Are you ready to linkup? Great!

Some general guidelines (and just plain good blogging manners)!

Make sure to follow or like the hosts and co-hosts in the social media section below. They are all there in the very beginning just to make it easy for you! Please do not just drop your link on here and go! Link up and then hop around throughout the day and week and say hello to at least 3 other blogs or links (and make sure to say you found them on the Click and Chat link up party!) When you go and like or follow a page on social media do it with your personal account so it will actually count for the pages numbers. Likes from business pages do not count. Pages in your niche you may want to also go back and like with your blogs page as well just so you can comment on them as your page. Please share this link up on any of your social media channels. It helps us grow and gets more eyes on not just your link but others as well. If we all did this more then everyone would benefit much more!

*we are always looking for new co-hosts so if you are interested please send Amber or Kim a message on their FB pages!



Friday, October 10, 2014

How to Fit Exercise Into Your Busy Schedule With Free Printable

Fit Exercise into Your Busy Schedule
Good morning everyone! For this post, I wanted to share my experience in fitting exercise into my busy schedule. Honestly, after working on this blog, organizing my house, being pregnant, and doing everything else I can hardly talk myself into getting exercise.

Exercising is an essential part of a healthy lifestyle. I've heard so many doctors and articles claim that a great remedy to pretty much anything is exercise. There are so many aliments and disorders that can be improved by exercise; for instance, obesity, diabetes, and sleep apnea.

Once I found out that I was pregnant, I tried to fit in more exercise into my busy schedule. Honestly, I did pretty good for the second semester and part of the third semester. Now that I've gained too much weight to mention and started getting tired again I've been slacking.

Plus, at my OBGYN appointment this week, I decided that it would be a good idea to jump wildly off of the exam table and fell. My ankle did this popping noise and I completely wounded my pride. Good thing that I have had massive amounts of practice in being gracefully clumsy (if that's a thing). Luckily, little Zander is unscathed and I am fine. The only real problem is that my whole leg was swollen. Its finally going down after my hubby took great care of me. So, I'm using my poor, swollen leg as an excuse not to exercise much.

After I get over this ankle thing I plan on getting back into my exercise routine. So, I decided to make up this printable to fit exercise back into my busy schedule. I tried to include everything in this printable. With this printable you'll be able to keep track of your busy schedule, calls, appointments, and how much exercise you fit in that day.

Get Your Own Free Exercise Printable

Download this printable here.

  1. Click on the picture or the link above and save it to your computer.
  2. Open the picture in a Word Document.
  3. Print it out.
  4. Fill out the printable!

I hope that everyone can use and enjoy this printable! If you have any comments or questions feel free to leave them in the comments section below.

As always, if you need help organizing your home or simplifying your life feel free to email me at and I will help you out!

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

The Click and Chat Link Up Party!

The Click and Chat Link Up Party!

The Click and Chat Link up party! come and share your favorite posts with us and find some new great blogs!!
Welcome to the new Click and Chat link up party!Its always good to change and evolve so that is what we decided to do!The social media link up was fun and it brought a good amount of attention to your links but we found that not to many people were actually going to the blogs that you all have some lovingly created.
Isn't that the point of all of the social media- to bring more traffic to your blogs?
The Click and Chat Crew wants to help you find new readers, network with other bloggers,drive up your site traffic,and grow your social media! We thought the best way to do that was to give you a place to showcase your favorite 3 posts and then give you one social media link up area a week to really focus in on. It is the best of both worlds!
To add another bonus each host will be picking one blog post to feature here on the link up each week!
What can you link up in the post section?
crafts,inspirational posts,recipes,giveaways- as long as it is all family friendly!
No spamming any of these links or any of the blogs you find on here please.
It doesn't have to be a new link!! Dig into your blog and find those posts that deserve a little more attention!
Some general guidelines (and just plain good blogging manners)!
Make sure to follow or like the hosts and co-hosts in the social media section below. They are all there in the very beginning just to make it easy for you!
Please do not just drop your link on here and go! Link up and then hop around throughout the day and week and say hello to at least 3 other blogs or links (and make sure to say you found them on the Click and Chat link up party!)
When you go and like or follow a page on social media do it with your personal account so it will actually count for the pages numbers. Likes from business pages do not count. Pages in your niche you may want to also go back and like with your blogs page as well just so you can comment on them as your page.
Please share this link up on any of your social media channels. It helps us grow and gets more eyes on not just your link but others as well. If we all did this more then everyone would benefit much more!
Are you ready to link up? Great!
Meet your Hosts and Co-Hosts for this month!
*we are always looking for new co-hosts so if you are interested please send Amber or Kim a message on their Facebook pages!
Rebecca – Futures / Katie-/ Sarah-Baking with Mom
facebook posts
  post linkup

Friday, October 3, 2014

Free Printable Recipe Cards

have so many recipes that are on odd and end paper bits. When I find a recipe that I think my family will like, I get too excited, and I end up jotting down that delicious recipe on a shopping receipt. Then, I'll promptly lose that receipt at a moment's notice in the epicness that is my purse. Or I'll get especially unlucky and it will be washed in a load of laundry.

Being slightly obsessive about organizing, this plethora of random mismatched papers gets on my nerves. Actually, it does a lot more than that. I believe that I've had nightmare of a random assortment of paper bits attacking me while I try to cook dinner. Its a serious problem .

Certainly, I'm not the only one who feels as strongly about this issue. So, I have decided to change all of this and make my own recipe cards. I have transferred a lot of my recipes over to these homemade cards and I have printed out a ton of blanks just to be ready for when inspiration (or the latest issue of Clean Eating) strikes.

Download these recipe cards here.

Directions to download the free printable recipe card:

  1. Either save the image above or download the image from the link above.
  2. Open recipe card picture in a Word Document.
  3. Print out.
  4. Fill it out!

I used paper stock to print mine out on. The paper is a little bit thicker than standard printer paper and can (hopefully) withstand getting thrown around in my kitchen drawers!

If you have any questions, comments, or personal stories feel free to leave them below!

If you would like to see something on Methodical Living or need organizing advice email me at

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

How to Unclog a Drain Naturally

A few weeks ago I had a terrible problem with the plumbing in my kitchen. I noticed that my sink wasn't draining as fast as it should. Then, I was hit with the shock of having water pour out onto my floor and underneath my cabinets when I attempted to run my dishwasher.

I knew that something was amiss. I had my husband inspect the pipes. He concluded that the stoppage was down farther. Maybe even under the house which is a fear of mine because I don't want to pay a professional to come out and fix the blockage. I'm a more do it yourself kind of girl.

I talked to my father-in-law and he gave me this super simple and inexpensive solution to fixing my blockage problem in just a few minutes.

What You'll Need:

1 cup Vinegar
1 cup baking soda
Lots of boiling water
1 stopped up sink


  1. Make sure that your sink and water lines have no excess water by placing a bucket underneath the pipes and taking the pipes apart.
  2. If you have water in the pipes that is after the pipes you will need to wait a few hours or so and let all of the water drain (slowly).
  3. Put the baking soda down the drain first.
  4. Then, pour the vinegar down.
  5. Now, pour all of your boiling water down the sink.
  6. You may have to do this a few times, but in my experience it works like a charm!

If you have any questions or personal stories about naturally unstopping your sinks feel free to leave them in the comments section below!

If you would like to see something else or need help organizing, email me at!

Monday, September 29, 2014

How to Clean a Stove Top

This morning I tackled a major cleaning problem that had been haunting me for weeks. This morning I cleaned my stove top. And successfully too might I add! As you can probably tell, I'm very excited about my accomplishment.

Last time I attempted to clean the stove top I was completely unsuccessful. It was a horrifying realization that just a basic cleaner cannot get everything off of my well used stove. All of the oil and gunk just refused to come off. I'm pretty sure that the gunk and oil had formed some sort of vicious plan against my cleaning efforts. So, I decided to try a different method with a few of my favorite cleaning products.
Before... It was a gross mess. 
During, still a gross mess...

After, a 100% clean stove top!

What You Need to Clean a Stove Top:

Baking Soda
Hydrogen Peroxide
Simple Cleaner ( I used a degreaser)
A nasty, dirty stove top

Directions on How to Clean a Stove Top:

  1. Cover your stove top in baking soda.
  2. Pour a little bit of hydrogen peroxide on the baking soda.
  3. Let this mix sit for at least 20 minutes.
  4. Wipe down your stove top.
  5. Spray your stove top with the basic cleaner to get rid of any left over gunk.

Do you have any questions or comments on how to clean the gunk off of your stove top feel free to leave them in the comments section below.

If you would like to see something on Methodical Living or need some organizing advice feel free to email me at!

Friday, September 26, 2014

Free Fall Printable

Who else is happy that its Friday!?!? I know that I sure am. I'm looking forward to my first official weekend of fall this year. I know that I've mentioned fall just a few million times on Twitter and Facebook, but I can barely contain my excitement.

Fall is my favorite time of the year. I love warm sweaters, crisp weather, and colorful leaves. Fall is a time for rebirth and renewal. The trees are making the best kind of artwork, and hot drinks are a definite.

So, in celebration of the arrival of fall I would like to share a free fall printable! This printable features one of my favorite authors and one of my favorite books- The Great Gatsby.

And Now for the Printable:

Download this fall printable here.

Instructions on downloading and printing the weekly to do list printable:

  1. Click on the link above.
  2. Save the printable to your computer.
  3. Open the list in picture viewer. 
  4. Make sure to size up the list to fit the page perfectly.
  5. Press print!
  6. Hang it up, hand it out, and just enjoy this great weather!
I wanted to print off this printable and take lots and lots of pictures, but I ran out of paper. So, everyone please forgive me for my lack of pictures!

I hope that everyone has a great weekend!

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